I bought myself a new toy this week.
My wife isn't happy.
My 19 year old is over the moon.
My 16 year old is in the basement playing Fortnite and has no clue.
I bought a motorcycle.
I caught the bug last summer when my nephew brought his Yamaha R3 motorcycle to the cottage where I tried riding for the 1st time. I proceeded to do it every week-end he was up thereafter and when he asked I committed to buying his bike the following year.
His plans changed so I decided to get my own. I did some homework, visited a few dealerships, did a lot of googling, youtubing and hunting online and decided on a Kawasaki Ninja 400. The perfect combination of quality, size and power for a beginner.
I get two responses when I tell people I now have a bike. Are you crazy? OR That's awesome.
I get a lot of looks too. It's a sharp looking bike but I think most motorcycles draw peoples stares. I imagine the men that see it wish they had one and the women just sympathize with my wife.
Besides the risk of losing her husband in a fiery crash my wife's other major concern is her 19 year old wanting one as well. I've put the brakes on that idea, he knows it and regardless couldn't afford one anyways. The argument is simple, you're 19 and I'm 52, maturity and experience go along way when it comes to a motorcycle.
I'm 'practicing' daily. You have to. Just through a written test you are able to take this unprotected speed machine and ride on the roads. That's crazy! It shouldn't be done right away so I'm just driving side streets and primarily in empty school yards after school or on week-ends. I practice my gear changes, braking, swerving and trying to remember to turn the indicator off after a turn!
So far so good...and for the record, my wife has been super supportive, my 19 year old has accepted it and my 16 year old is still in the basement...
MLC by the way is mid-life crisis!
Yamaha R3bike to the cottage